Way To Happiness

Way To Happiness

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

10 wishes i want to be granted =)

1. Have a full of hapiness life, not perfect but happy life, have best friend, great family and great lover =)
2. Be blessed for everything happen in this big long world journey of my life
3. Make my parents happy, give them hapiness and i will make them proud & thankful to have child like me
4. Will stay forever like this with my brother, support him and never fight with him till last breath
5. Have success in my life, carrer,love and study
6. Have a enviromental friendly big company
7. Have a foundation and charity family organisation for old parents people who lost everything and will be there for them financially, emotionally and physicially.
8. May all my whole family have a longlife, hapiness and prosperity
9. No more war in this world, no more fight in my life, hope my heart will be always good as You, God
10. May all the creature in this world live happy, no more goodbye will bring fears, no more tears to fall, no more blood to spend, so all the world will sing together coz we are one =)

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