Way To Happiness

Way To Happiness

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A fun and cash out semester! =)

after finally all assignment for semester 2 done, i feel like get my life back! =)=)
for this assignment due in week 10,11,12 make me like dead living human
sleep for only 2 or 3 hours a day
make my skin and hair very bad! im afraid when i graduate my hair fall out and i become bald ==
But honestly im a type of person who try my best for all assignment
because this is group assignment i also dont want to much depend on groupmate
and i can say i work harder because i want to finish all assignment first and go to rest!

But God is very kind to me
after all this university things ruin my health
God give me a ''new world''
God like send me back to my senior hischool side
and somehow i find very much fun here
I met many new people and all is nice!
I also meet my Manado friends and make me talk in my mother tongue
feels like in my hometown make me comfortable!
I join ela with her church friend
and they are very nice!
Yet I have many sleepover, feels like dont have home :p
Then greatest thing is somehow i found people i can talk heart to heart
I can tell all my problem and feeling to them
I also have a great and crazy roommate
This is sin semester 2 because i have skip many classes! OMO ==
i love all this experience in this sem 2!
meet new people is the best thing because i want to explore new world in my life
I also become close to the people i never think i can talk crazy with him =)

But this semester is moreee wasting money than semester 1!
I spend more than 10K to shopping and hanging out
omo sorry daddy, mommy
i am too wasting ur money here ==
And after looking back make up is my biggest sin!
I spent more than 3K for make up! how crazy i am
and then i never use them -..- coz i dont like my makeup face
wahhh if my mother know she will kill me
Go to Penang  with friend become best experience also
I become close and feels like family playing uno like crazy till morning and go anywhere with bus!
I share the photo with them..
This is some of the memories

But somehow i also afraid
Semester 3 will come soon later because time slip fast
and we will go to our own path
the path of major that we choose
Means that we will rarely meet =(
I also will move to Lagoon View
somehow i like my life still be like this
with my crazy roommate
coz i can talk everything with her >.<
and later i feel something uncomfort about someone that will be always follow my path
but i believe in GOD
GOD will show me the best way and plan for my life
and sem 3 i must saved money!
i want to buy ipad and car, healthy living and reduce shopping

But i must try and study hard for
Accounting Decision Making
Information System of Business
and Introduction to Marketing

goodluck for us!

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