Way To Happiness

Way To Happiness

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

10 wishes i want to be granted =)

1. Have a full of hapiness life, not perfect but happy life, have best friend, great family and great lover =)
2. Be blessed for everything happen in this big long world journey of my life
3. Make my parents happy, give them hapiness and i will make them proud & thankful to have child like me
4. Will stay forever like this with my brother, support him and never fight with him till last breath
5. Have success in my life, carrer,love and study
6. Have a enviromental friendly big company
7. Have a foundation and charity family organisation for old parents people who lost everything and will be there for them financially, emotionally and physicially.
8. May all my whole family have a longlife, hapiness and prosperity
9. No more war in this world, no more fight in my life, hope my heart will be always good as You, God
10. May all the creature in this world live happy, no more goodbye will bring fears, no more tears to fall, no more blood to spend, so all the world will sing together coz we are one =)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A fun and cash out semester! =)

after finally all assignment for semester 2 done, i feel like get my life back! =)=)
for this assignment due in week 10,11,12 make me like dead living human
sleep for only 2 or 3 hours a day
make my skin and hair very bad! im afraid when i graduate my hair fall out and i become bald ==
But honestly im a type of person who try my best for all assignment
because this is group assignment i also dont want to much depend on groupmate
and i can say i work harder because i want to finish all assignment first and go to rest!

But God is very kind to me
after all this university things ruin my health
God give me a ''new world''
God like send me back to my senior hischool side
and somehow i find very much fun here
I met many new people and all is nice!
I also meet my Manado friends and make me talk in my mother tongue
feels like in my hometown make me comfortable!
I join ela with her church friend
and they are very nice!
Yet I have many sleepover, feels like dont have home :p
Then greatest thing is somehow i found people i can talk heart to heart
I can tell all my problem and feeling to them
I also have a great and crazy roommate
This is sin semester 2 because i have skip many classes! OMO ==
i love all this experience in this sem 2!
meet new people is the best thing because i want to explore new world in my life
I also become close to the people i never think i can talk crazy with him =)

But this semester is moreee wasting money than semester 1!
I spend more than 10K to shopping and hanging out
omo sorry daddy, mommy
i am too wasting ur money here ==
And after looking back make up is my biggest sin!
I spent more than 3K for make up! how crazy i am
and then i never use them -..- coz i dont like my makeup face
wahhh if my mother know she will kill me
Go to Penang  with friend become best experience also
I become close and feels like family playing uno like crazy till morning and go anywhere with bus!
I share the photo with them..
This is some of the memories

But somehow i also afraid
Semester 3 will come soon later because time slip fast
and we will go to our own path
the path of major that we choose
Means that we will rarely meet =(
I also will move to Lagoon View
somehow i like my life still be like this
with my crazy roommate
coz i can talk everything with her >.<
and later i feel something uncomfort about someone that will be always follow my path
but i believe in GOD
GOD will show me the best way and plan for my life
and sem 3 i must saved money!
i want to buy ipad and car, healthy living and reduce shopping

But i must try and study hard for
Accounting Decision Making
Information System of Business
and Introduction to Marketing

goodluck for us!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Random thingy again, about my life and my heart want to say...

1. I can suddenly falling in love with people by their attitude. I love people who can understand myself and also noisy like me. I love honest people. I LOVE PEOPLE WHO CAN MAKE ME LAUGH.
2. I am GOOD AND KIND to every people I met. I am a kind of human who can suitable to anyone, boys or girl, young or old, noisy or quiet, I just can easily blend. If I don’t want to talk or care that’s mean I am in a very bad mood, that I also can make myself happy.
3. I HATE people when they trying too hard to FOLLOW me, usually i am a freedom type girl. I don’t like if there are people who follow me everywhere and make me as their world. I don’t like when people follow all my way to talk, my fashion, my beauty care even my study, hey HAVE YOUR OWN LIFE!!! You are UNIQUE just the way you are. NO NEED TO BE ME.
4. I LOVE TO MEET NEW people, I love to know new place, I like to have new crazy experience that i never had before.
5. I think all the people in this world are beautiful and handsome. Coz GOD never make mistake, that’s why WE ARE UNIQUE just the way we are. The way to differentiate them is by purity of heart.
6. I can be a different people when I must meet the party for business. That’s a MUST for my life.
7. I am type of person who usually gets BORING FAST. I don’t like routine thing.
8. I am not smart or diligent people but I never want to make my parents ashamed. I always try to make them PROUD of me.
9.  I am NOT PERFECT. I do make many mistakes just like every human do. But i’m a type who can you trust 100%. I may not be able to solve your entire problem but I try my best to help the people i know
10. MUSIC is my life. Music inspires me much. Music is the way I expressed my feeling. Music can heal my bad mood.
11. I am a HONEST person. I can’t lie. My face will show you if I lie about something. If I am not saying my problem to you, that’s means it a little forbidden. It can be about my family problem. SO I try my best to HANDLE IT BY MYSELF.
12. My life is belong to GOD and will always be like that till my last breath.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Dont want to fall in love again

sometimes i hate the life
we can always get what we want
so just love what we want
maybe its the right quote for me

Hey boy
why u changed that much to me?
did i do something wrong?
or u just want to stay away from me?

your attitude make me do hate you
and somehow my love for u dissapear in just a second
then you gonna regret to lose my love =P
coz my love is so precious
But i dont want to regret
coz i think meet u is a fate =)
so i believe there must be something planned by God for our meeting

I just want to be your good friend.
can i? =)
i will support u whatever happen and i can understand u the most..
But if end like this its okay
i dont wanna bother it anymore..

Anyway 2 of subject is finish, wait for the final exam!
Thanks Steven, Alijan and Eunice for the memory of PD group! im sure i will miss the time
also thanks for the effort
and very big thanks to Miss Jasemaine Gan because of your patience and love to workshop 2 student

Good luck to me and all student of Victoria University Program in Sem 2! =)
i hope we can pass all of the subject!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Feel this thingy again =='

Feels like 1 year since I graduate from hischool
and in this second sem i mean middle sem i feel something obvious about my feeling
I think i fallin in love with someone

Someone who soooooo far away from my life before
But i dont need a month to know him very well
I love his smile
I love the time we spend together
I love his laugh
I love how he changed
But somehow im afraid to fall in love
I keep my promises to myself
I dont want to have any boyfriend when i go school abroad
But im just human
I cant hold this feeling
I really want to be the one who care you the most
coz i see the sweetest side of you
But somehow also
I dont want to dirt this innocence of friendship
Is this love or just a care for friend?
I know im very easy to close to every person I met, but you are different
Im afraid I just love u and u dont even have any feeling of me
Im afraid to being hurt again
coz u have a same name with him
The one i ever loved but dont love me back
SO i just let God help me

iF we can be together
so thats fate
iF we cant be together
so lets be best friend
coz i always be there for you as your great friend =)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Man i Want to give my Life and Heart, Man who will be Togeher With Me Till the World End and my Last Breath

Every girl in the world has a dream someday to wedding, with the right moment and someone she truly deep in love :)
I also have the dream, someday when it comes...
I wish
1. I have the RIGHT guy not PERFECT, a guy which love me and care me so much, a guy who loves my parents and my entire family and have responsibility to his family..
A guy who knows me more than I know myself
The guy who always protect me and shade my tears
The guy who always make me smile and laugh
The guy who accept me for whoever I am
The guy who make me feel priceless
The guy who treat me like her princess..
And the last the guy who take care me for the rest of my life, and love my children till the end of the day
About the wedding,
This is just my imagination
I want to wedding at the ballroom or the beach
With Vera Wang gown
and Cartier or Tiffany&Co ring
and Christian Louboutin
its so dreamy <3

My perfect boy type is
-have many friend
-<3 my parents,family and <3 children
-responsible of everything
and LOVE and CARE me the most