Way To Happiness

Way To Happiness

Saturday, June 4, 2011

My little fun Bday =D

hey friends!
i never expected before
having birthday aboard is so fun!
i have my lovely friends here who celebrate together!
thank you so much
i never expected
first i though they strange enough and even make me cry, but later the give me a surprise
i even have double surprise today!
Thank you so much for FIDES
i know you all less than 3 week but u give me a very happy surprise
i will never forget it
i hope i have more time to spend with you my dear sister''
thank you so muchhhhhhhh

big thanks to ela, carol, ali, suryani, ervi, agus, fero, waiyee, josh, iin, ci kim, ci va, ci jack, lisa, ci rani
i love you so much
i hope i will be more better than my previous year
Love you

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