Way To Happiness

Way To Happiness

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I wanna search to the place where i am supposed to be
Feels like it is not my place
I hope next sem i will get that
and i hope i can get good score at EP test tomorrow!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

to Blackberry User! Ur IMEI

Now lets try our lovely Blackberry production!

Type *#06# and the IMEI will appear with 15 digit of number
Example : 316725.10.4690216
The 7th and 8th number is 10.
It means this BB produced in Finlandia with the very good quality
If the 7th and 8th is 02 or 20 it mean ur BB made in Asia
If the 7th and 8th is 08 or 80 it mean ur BB made in German with good quality
If the 7th and 8th is 03 it mean ur BB made in Canada with the most good quality
If the 7th and 8th is 04 it means ur BB is limited edition, made especially in Canada with the most very good quality over the world.
If ur BB not contain the IMEI digit from above, they say ur BB is not original.

Not so Comfort

Living far from your home is not easy
Everything u do must do it alone
Nobody will care if you wake up late
Nobody will care if you dont eat the breakfast
Nobody will care if you sick
It is so different
Washing ur clothes alone
Search the breakfast by urself
Go everwhere with taxi or shuttlebus
Sleep in very small and uncomfortable bed
Oh my
I miss my hometown
I miss my home
I miss my family
I miss my hometown's food
I wanna go HOMEEEE!

Monday, September 6, 2010


Do you ever watch Tarzan?
Actually it makes me cry three times..

A gorilla mother who lost her child
A baby who lost his parents
Meet together, the bond beetween them cant be broken
The gorilla mother loves a baby boy like her own daughter eventhough it makes her husband hate her
The baby boy grow up, got many of animal friend, but the King of Gorilla obey him
He is so brave and very strong
He revenge the lion for his parents and for the gorilla child
Someday, the human come
It is what he belong, but somehow
human dont always better than animal, they trick and wanna kill his gorilla family.
So he come back to where he belong
To where he grew up, he comes to protect his truly family.
When his daddy comes to an end, the dad say : You will be always my family, my son ><
It's so touching, even a animal have heart to love their family.
And live forever with who his love, eventhough the girl she loves must live in jungle forever with him


You'll Be In My Heart
Vocals: Phil Collins and Glenn Close
Music: Phil CollinS
Lyrics: Phil Collins

Come stop your crying
It will be all right
Just take my hand
Hold it tight

I will protect you
from all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry

For one so small,
you seem so strong
My arms will hold you,
keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry

'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
You'll be in my heart

No matter what they say
You'll be here
in my heart always

Son of Man
Vocals: Phil Collins
Music: Phil Collins
Lyrics: Phil Collins

Oh, the power to be strong
And the wisdom to be wise
All these things will
come to you in time

On this journey that you're making
There'll be answers that you'll seek
And it's you who'll climb the mountain
It's you who'll reach the peak
Son of Man, look to the sky
Lift your spirit, set it free
Some day you'll walk tall with pride
Son of Man, a man in time you'll be
Though there's no one there to guide you
No one to take your hand
But with faith and understanding
You will journey from boy to man
Son of Man, look to the sky
Lift your spirit, set it free
Some day you'll walk tall with pride
Son of Man, a man in time you'll be
In learning you will teach
And in teaching you will learn
You'll find your place beside the
ones you love
Oh, and all the things you dreamed of
The visions that you saw
Well, the time is drawing near now
It's yours to claim it all
Son of Man, look to the sky
Lift your spirit, set it free
Some day you'll walk tall with pride
Son of Man, a man in time you'll be

Son of Man
Son of Man's a man for all to see


I really proud of Walt Disney
What story he tells since I was child till I grow like this
I always love it
Every movie got a very best morality
I wish i could live in the dreamland, in the storyland xD
Find the happiness

For all I love
a little mermaid who wanna find a freedom
have a very protective father
but in the last there will always a FATHERS LOVE conquer everything
I love you daddy >.<

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Medicine for a broken heart

I love my life, eventhough there is a day it is feel very hard to survive
As a human we will always feel
fear, sorrow, lonely, happy, fun, and then we cry and then we smile
I feel so lucky
Because when i feel down, there is always a person who support me
They can be my mother, brother, and all my closest family
I love them very much...
They really love me the way i am...
I feel lucky
Because there are people who ever down like me
But they had no support
They had no family
They had nobody to shed the tears
To cherish on
To share the problem
So they run to drugs, bad friendship till the suicidal
I feel so sad when i know the world is too bad

When the world is dark
When u have no place to go
When u want to have someone to cry on
Just pray...
GOD will never leave us...
GOD will never deny u...
with HIS mercy!

Never do something bad
Like suicidal or drugs
Never hurt ourself, no matter how much the pain we feel, we must try to survive
no matter how hard it is
No matter how much we fall
we must get up, become stronger, shed the tears, and face the world
Cause in this bad world, there is a happiness and sadness
SO believe me, after ur sadness go, there will be a happiness come to u =)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I wanna BE... =)

In physicially, i want to be
1.CUTE like Ayumi Hamasaki

Have a cute voice, super famous diva in Japan, big eyes, beautiful   nails cottsnowy skin and super cute face

2. COOL and ELEGANT like Angelina Jolie
Angelina have a most beautiful pointed nose, sharp,slim and perfect face line, beautiful blue sparkling eyes and very good body

3. PRETTY and BEAUTIFUL like Leah Dizon

Leah Dizon is  the most wanted woman in the world, she can be cute, elegant or so pretty. She got a perfect body and face. Pointed nose, soft snowy skin, blue eyes and very sexy body.

4. SWEET like Yui Aragaki

She got the most beautiful smile in the world, you will always love her smile, while she smile, her eyes spread the honesty and happiness, look like a cherish sweet  little girl, everyone loves the sweetest smiling girl =p

5. RICH and LUCKY  like Paris Hilton
This girl is so lucky, born in so behave rich family, life in perfect lifestyle, can purchase everything that she want, and also very lucky, everything she did is so successfull.

6. STYLIST FASHIONABLE like Blake Lively & Leighton Meester 
This two girl got a great talent in fashion, they got extra ordinary cool fashion sense. Everything they wear is so cool and cute,what they wear become and trand and they live the old clothes to shine again, i wish they could be a designer someday! They are totally  a fashion goddess

7. But in the last I LOVE MYSELF the WAY I AM
If God ask me i wanna born as... i will choose to be myself because
eventhough i am small, chubby and childish, I LOVE the way i look !
hehehe :) and i am already know to be what i am =)
so, LOVE the way you are!!!